Sayfamızda Justin Bieber - Track 8 Sözleri, Justin Bieber - Track 8 Şarkı Sözü, Justin Bieber - Track 8 Lyrics, Justin Bieber - Track 8 Şarkısının Sözleri vb. armaların cevabını bulabilirsiniz.
Justin Bieber - Track 8 şarkı sözlerinden önce Justin Bieber hakkında kısa bilgi;
Gerçek adı Justin Drew Bieber şeklindedir ve 1 Mart 1994, Kanada doğumludur...
2008 yılında, Scoot Braun, Bieber'in Youtube'a yüklediği videoları keşfeder ve sonra menajerliğini üstlenerek kariyerinde yardımcı olur.
İlk single'ı One Time ile oldukça iyi bir çıkış yakaladı ve One Less Lonely Girl teklisi ile birlikte Kanada Hot 100'de 15'e, Bilboard Hot 100'de ise ilk 20'ye girme başarısı elde etti.
Annesi ve babası birbiriyle hiç evlenmemiş olan Bieber kendi kendine piyano, bateri, gitar ve trompet çalmayı öğrendi.
Mayıs 2012'de Bieber, Los Angeles, Kaliforniya'ya bağlı Calabasas adasında 930 metre karelik, 1.3 dönümlük bir ev aldı.Justin Bieber - Track 8 Şarkı Sözleri
Let me tell you a story
About a girl and a boy
He fell in love with his best friend
And when she's around he feels nothing but joy
But she was already broken
And it made her blind
She can't ever believe that love will treat her right
Did you know that I loved you?
Well you're not aware
Well you're the smile on my face
But that ain't going nowhere
If it'll make you happy
Here see you smile but I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while
Who's gonna make you fall
In love
I know you got your wall
Wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all
Of my love
But you can't fly unless you let your
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall
Well I can tell you're afraid of
What this might do
Cuz we got to turn the maze in friendship and that you don't wanna lose
But I don't wanna loose it either
But I don't think I can stand sitting around while you're hurting baby
So take my hand
Well did you know you're an angel
Come from God out of line
Did you know that it breaks my heart every time to see you cry
Cuz I know that a piece of you's gone every time you're done wrong I'm the shoulder you're crying on
And I hope by the time that I'm done with this song I'll have figured out
What's gonna make you fall
In love
I know you got your wall
Wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all
Of my love
But you can't fly unless you let your
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall
I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall
Well I will catch you if you fall
And if you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you let your
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall
In love
I know you got your wall
Wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all
Of my love
But you can't fly unless you let your
Let yourself fall
oh baby